Learning Actionscript 2.0 Basics
There are many sites that try to explain how to learn Actionscript 2.0. However, they are mostly based on Actionscript 1.0, not Actionscript 2.0. This site is dedicated helping Flash MX 2004 programmers learn how to use actionscript 2.0.
My background in Actionscript
I began learning Flash in the Flash 5.0 days. I was originally a Java programmer and loved the Object Oriented Programming (OOP). However, I didn't really pursue it until I had purchased Flash MX 2004. I loved the power that actionscript gave me over the layout and design of my websites. By then I had learned Actionscript 1.0 fairly well and was in no hurry to jump into the new Actionscript 2.0. (Truthfully, I was afraid of learning Actionscript 2.0. I had a hard time trying to understand Actionscript 1.0). However, once I learned that Actionscript 2.0 was built more like Java, I became a dedicated follower.
I was able to take my Java background and the power of actionscript and combine them into a powerful tool. As I began looking for good sites that taught Actionscript 2.0, I could only find a few that truly understood the power of OOP. Consequently, I have built this site to help with some fundamentals of Actionscript 2.0
I have written a few different classes to help illustrate some key concepts and power of Actionscript 2.0. Begin now by going to the Basic Actionscript page.
I have broken the Actionscript 2.0 tutorials into three learning exercises.
Basic Actionscript Tutorials
These cover the fundamentals of OOP and how it relates to Actionscript 2.0.
Intermediate Actionscript Tutorials
These cover how to use Actionscript 2.0 to write classes
Advanced Actionscript Tutorials
These cover how to extend the power of Actionscript 2.0 with different design patterns.