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Intermediate Actionscript - Custom Actions Code Hints 

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Flash MX 2004 CustomActions

Now that we have a shell to work with, we are going to add our custom Actionscript 2.0 classes and methods to our CustomActions file.

<?xml VERSION="1.0"?>
   <folder VERSION="6" id="com.ahfx" index="true" name="com.ahfx" tiptext="Contains info for com.ahfx package">
      <folder VERSION="6" id="[com.ahfx.ShoppingCart]" name="ShoppingCart" tiptext="ShoppingCart">
         <folder VERSION="6" id="Methods" name="Methods" tiptext="Shopping Cart methods">
            text=".addElement(% object %)"
            tiptext="Number: returns the total of the price of the Products in the Shopping Cart" />


Here is the break down of the code. First we create a folder that will show up in the actions panel.

You can see from the image that the names of the folders become the names that will show up in the actions panel. The tiptext is what will show up when someone hovers over that name in the actions panel.

Inside the Methods folder is where we get to the main methods. Notice that the object="[com.ahfx.ShoppingCart]" gives the full package name.

  • object-the name of the class
  • text-the code that will inserted after choosing from the code hints
  • type-the type of method
  • version-the version of flash player the code was written for
  • name-the name that will show up in the code hints
  • tiptext-the tip that will show up when the user hovers over the name in the actions panel.

Notice the % object % in the text for .addElement(). This is the text that will pop up to help show the parameters that this function requires.

You can add as many <string /> items as you have methods. This will add these methods to the dropdown of methods for this class. Just copy the code in the <string /> part and replace the text, name, and tiptext.

Continue to page 3


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